Commercial Departments
Five commercial divisions have been created within the organizational structure of the bank headed by competent managers who are linked to the chief commercial officer in the bank and he is the assistant managing director. Islamic investment and finance. These departments are also working to build new and sustainable relationships between the bank’s customers to serve the interests of all and within the frameworks and laws of the Central Bank of Iraq and Islamic banking.
Government Institutions Banking Department
The objective of this section is to build and maintain relationships with all state institutions to manage their financial business and financing, manage their deposits and invest them in the available areas and with the least risks on the one hand and with a feasible profit margin on the other hand, issuing internal and external credits at their request in favor of their suppliers and issuing letters of guarantee in their favor based on the order of their contractors with the best Prices and faster services.
Corporate Banking Department
One of the most important objectives of this section is to follow up relations with companies of all kinds (shareholding, limited and joint ventures and from all sectors, whether industrial, agricultural, commercial or service) to provide Islamic financing services in all its aspects to them, as well as investing the surplus of their money in the areas of least risk and highest return. Our goal is to make companies focus on their business and take charge of their banking affairs.
Retail Banking Department
Urging the various community segments (employees and earners) to keep their savings securely with the bank, operate and invest them within the areas available to the bank in return for acceptable returns with the provision of electronic services through the promotion of bank cards and other electronic payment methods at the most appropriate prices and the fastest services with the education that financial inclusion is the safest solution for safety their savings on the one hand and getting out of crises and financial hardships on the other hand, by financing them according to their needs and inputs. The bank also offers Murabaha programs for Umrah through the Umrah program, the car financing program and the housing programs.
Correspondents Affairs Department
Undoubtedly, correspondent banks play an important role in the success of any bank’s work, and this is subject to important criteria. This section is concerned with building and sustaining strong relationships with correspondents and obtaining credit lines for the bank in order to meet the requirements of customers and to serve their interests, in addition to opening prospects for mutual Islamic investment (internal and external) and focusing on dealing with correspondents in countries that have direct commercial exchange with Iraq or are centers International financial services such as (the United States, the United Kingdom, the Republic of China, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the European and the Eurozone) in addition to opening relationships with fast money transfer companies and electronic payment companies and meeting the requirements of other departments of the bank. On the other hand, this department will work on the bank guarantees received by Iraq for state departments and work to issue them in record time, as well as provide all services to investors in order to raise foreign direct investment in Iraq.
Products Department
One of the most important duties of this department is programming the financial engineering for the requirements of the commercial departments with the service departments and working to ensure that the bank’s products are documented and managed according to the general business rules in line with the laws of the Central Bank of Iraq and the laws of governance. The relationship of this department is with all departments, not only commercial and marketing, but also moves to information management departments, and one of the most important requirements of this department is to make the bank’s products fit the needs of the market, i.e. within the so-called (Product Tailor), in addition to carrying out a general study of a particular economic sector to know the needs of that sector For the purpose of launching a new idea and/or product.